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Kuo-Fang Huang


Postdoctoral Fellow


National Cheng Kung University


2006-2007, Institutes of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University.

Research Highlight

Isotope Geochemistry, Paleoceanography and Chemical Oceanography

Awards and honors



Trace Element Ratios and Stable Isotopic Compositions of Planktonic Foraminiferal Shell collected from the South China Sea:Geochemical Calibration and Paleoceanographic Implication
2009 Huang, K. F., You, C.F., Wheat, C. G., and Lin, H. L.. (2009) Evidence for Deep Fluid Circulation and Gas Hydrate Dissociation using Boron and Boron Isotopes of Pore Fluids in the Convergent Margins.. The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Earth Science Symposium, Okinawa.
2009 Huang, K. F., Rosenthal, Y., You, C.F., Lin, H. L., and Shieh, Y. T.. (2009) A Further Evaluation of Temperature Dependence on Foraminiferal Mg/Ca and B/Ca in Surface-dwelling Species, Globigerinoides ruber: A Sediment Trap Study.. International Sediment Trap Workshop, Kaohsiung.
2009 Huang, K. F., You, C.F., Wang, R. M., and Chung, C. H.. (2009) Riverine Lithium Isotope Systematic during Continental Weathering from an Active Orogenic Belt, Taiwan.. Goldschmidt 2009, Davos.
2008 Huang, K. F., Rosenthal, Y., You, C.F., Lin, H. L., and Shieh, Y. T.. (2008) An Evaluation of Biological and Environmental Controls on B/Ca ratio in Planktonic Foraminifers: Limitation and Application in Paleoceanography.. PAGES Global Monsoon 2008 Symposium, Shanghai.
2008 Huang, K. F., Rosenthal, Y., You, C.F., Lin, H. L., and Shieh, Y. T.. (2008) An Evaluation of Temperature Control on Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and B/Ca in Surface-dwelling Species, Globigerinoides ruber: Comparison of Sediment Trap and Core Top Systematics from the South China Sea.. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
2007 Huang, K. F., and You, C.F.. (2007) Non-homogeneous Distribution of Sr Isotopic Composition in the Coastal Seawater around Taiwan: Implications for Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Oceanic Water Masses.. 2007 AOGS 4th Annual Meeting, Bangkok.
2006 Huang, K. F., You, C.F., Chung, C. H., and Lin, I. T.. (2006) Coastal Fresh Water Plume Migration Traced by High Precision Strontium Isotopic Composition in the Kao-Ping Estuary, Southern Taiwan.. 2006 Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii.
2006 Huang, K. F., Rosenthal, Y., You, C.F., Lin, H. L., and Shieh, Y. T.. (2006) B/Ca and S/Ca in Planktonic Foraminiferal Shells: Core-top Calibrations and Paleoceanographic Implications. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
2005 Huang, K. F., You, C.F., Lin, H. L., Shieh, Y. T. and Li, M. D.. (2005) Calibration of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in Planktonic Foraminiferal Shells and Seawater by Time Series Sediment Trap in the South China Sea.. EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna.
2003 Huang, K. F., You, C.F., Lin, H. L., Shieh, Y. T. and Li, M. D.. (2003) Calibration of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca in Sediment Trap Planktonic Foraminiferal Shells and Seawater.. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.


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