2022 |
翁家姍、黃貴楨、黃蔚人、游鎮烽、劉厚均、黃國芳. (2022) 有限通氣環境下低碳酸鈣飽和度之無機碳動力變化初探. Taiwan Geological Society Annual Meeting , Taipei, Taiwan. |
2022 |
Liu, H.-C.. (2022) Precise and accurate stable strontium isotope determination on MC-ICP-MS and potential applications. Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Meeting , Taipei, Taiwan. |
2017 |
Liu, H. C., You, C. F., Huang, K. F., Chung, C. H., Sun, Y. B.. (2017) Stable Strontium Isotopic Distribution and Fractionation during Continental Weathering in a Chinese Loess Profile. Taiwan Geophysical and Geology Annual Meeting 2017, Tainan, Taiwan. |
2014 |
Liu, H.C., You, C.F., Huang, K.F., Sun, Y.B. (2014) Evaluation of stable strontium isotopic fractionation during continental weathering processes. Goldschmidt, Sacramento, United States. |
2013 |
Liu, H.C., You, C.F.. (2013) Stable Sr isotope fractionation in chemical weathering processes. ICASS, Quebec, Canada. |
2012 |
Liu, H. C., You, C. F. and Tu, Y. J.. (2012) Stable Strontium Isotopic Fractionation During Sorption onto Magnetic Nano-Humid Acid Coated Iron Oxide Particles. EGU, Vienna, Austria. |
2011 |
Liu, H. C., You, C. F., Huang, K. F., Chung, C. H.. (2011) Precise rubidium isotopic determination in geological materials using MC-ICP-MS. AOGS Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. |
2010 |
Liu, H.C., You, C.F., Huang, K.F., Tu, Y.J., and Chung, C.H.. (2010) Fractionation of stable Sr isotopes during carbonate precipitation and surface sorption process. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. |
2009 |
Liu, H.C., You, C. F., Dai M. H., Cao Z. M., Lin, B. Y., Wang W. H., Huang K. F., Wang, B. S.. (2009) Precise determination of Ca isotopic compositions in seawater and carbonates. National Sciences Council Annual Meeting, Hualien, Taiwan. |
2008 |
Liu, H.C., You, C. F., Dai M. H., Cao Z. M., Lin, B. Y., Wang W. H., Huang K. F., Wang, B. S.. (2008) Precise determination of Ca isotopic compositions in seawater and carbonates. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco. |