Teaching Members Technique Research PI

Min-Yen Sigh


Undergraduate Student


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Research project

2022-01-01 to 2023-08-22

Tracing sediments provenance in Puli Basin using Sr-Nd isotopic compositions

2023 Shih, M.-Y., Chung, L.-H., Liu, H.-C., Chen, Y.-H., You, C.-F.. (2023) Tracing sediments provenance in Puli Basin using Sr-Nd isotopic compositions. 7th Taiwan-Philippines Earth Sciences International Conference, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
2022 施閔嚴、劉厚均、鍾令和、陳彥宏. (2022) 以放射性Sr、Nd同位素作為埔里盆地沈積物的朔源指標. Taiwan Geological Society Annual Meeting , Taipei, Taiwan.


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